Top of the BOBs for The Chronikler

We are very pleased to announce that The Chronikler has been nominated for a BOB award in the category Best English-language blog – and of course we couldn’t have done it without the hard work of our contributors and the dedication of our readers who have helped spread The Chronikler’s reach far and wide.
The BOBs are prestigious annual blog awards organised by the German media group Deutsche Welle in partnership with Reporters without Borders.
The Chronikler stands a fighting chance of winning – it currently stands in third/fourth place. So, if you are a regular reader and believe this humble site deserves recognition, then please vote for us and ask your friends to do so too (don’t forget, you can vote once every 24 hours). If you are a first-time visitor and like what you read, then please also give us your vote of confidence. And if you dislike Paulo Coelho, or think he has enough recognition, then definitely vote for us and help us knock him off his perch!
To vote, go to this page, scroll down until you see The Chronikler, and click on the vote now button under it. Don’t forget: you’ll be asked to log in using a social network, and you will need to push the “vote now” button again. You will know you have voted correctly when you see the message, “You’ve just cast a ballot for: Category:Best Blog English Website:The Chronikler.”
Thank you and wish us luck.