Merry Muslims at Christmas
Despite fears of an anti-Christmas jihad, many ordinary Muslims enjoy getting into the spirit of the season.
Read MoreDespite fears of an anti-Christmas jihad, many ordinary Muslims enjoy getting into the spirit of the season.
Read MoreCollecting may seem like a harmless hobby but being a collector allows others to gather a whole lot more about you than you let on or probably even know.
Read MoreSpeaking foreign languages broadens our horizons and multilingualism can act as an antidote against toxic xenophobia.
Read MoreThe world is paying the price for Boutros Boutros-Ghali’s foiled attempts to reform the United Nations into an effective force to resolve conflicts.
Read MoreTribalism and sectarianism afflicts Western societies too. So why is that they seem to be tearing the Middle East apart?
Read MoreIf an Arab says he’ll kill you, don’t worry – he wants to buy you dinner. Whether Arabic dialects are a single language is political, not linguistic.
Read MoreDe nationale voetbalgekte verbergt de realiteit dat België al twee staten is. Ik gebruik mijn stem als lijm die kan helpen om België samen te houden
Read MoreWith Belgium little more than a hollow shell, I’ll be using my vote as a squirt of glue to help hold the collapsing country together.
Read MoreInsisting falsely that the Syrian conflict is sectarian will tear the country apart once Assad is gone and place the Alawite minority in grave danger.
Read MoreBeing monolingual can be limiting, so why not learn another language and get a new perspective on the world?
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