The fall of Egypt’s symbol of progressive Islam

By Osama Diab

 Joining itself with an authoritarian regime caused harm to the millennium-long history of al-Azhar University.

Thursday 12 May 2011

al-Azhar in Cairo. ©Khaled Diab

“[Egypt] didn’t change the basic tenets of , but its cultural weight gave Islam a new voice, one it didn’t have back in . Egypt embraced an Islam that was moderate, tolerant and non-extremist.” With these words, Naguib Mahfouz, winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Literature, gave his last statement about Islam, after decades of being on the death lists of extremist Islamist groups and an assassination attempt in 1994.

The moderate Islam that Mahfouz was referring to had a protector and a promoter: al-Azhar University. Throughout its long and proud history, al-Azhar had remained unrivalled as the prime centre of Islamic teaching, attracting millions of Muslim students from all over the world to its campus in Cairo. Many of the most notable liberal reformists in Egypt’s history, especially in the 19th century, were Azhar graduates. Tolerance and not getting too involved with state affairs have been central to its teaching for centuries.

The father of Islamic modernism, Rifa’a al-Tahtawi, a 19th-century scholar and an Azhar graduate, saw no contradiction between Islamic thought and ideologies drawn from the European Age of Enlightenment. He studied in France and, on his return to Egypt, he worked at modernising the country, calling for liberal reform in the .

Mohamed Abduh followed in al-Tahtawi’s footsteps, urging open dialogue with and the reformation of Islamic thought, arguing that Muslims can’t rely on medieval interpretations of religious texts. He also argued for the secularisation of Muslim countries. Both scholars spoke European languages fluently and wrote positively about their experiences in .

My fatwa against yours

However, it seems that slowly this progressive form of Islam is being replaced with a more radical Salafist ideology, one that blatantly calls for a return to the practices of the first three generations of Muslims, who lived more than 1,400 years ago. Salafi Islam is considered Muslim orthodoxy at its strictest, and is influenced by the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdel Wahab, an 18th-century Muslim theologian whose radical ideas still shape how the Saud family runs its kingdom today. Evidently, al-Azhar in Egypt is falling prey to ideologies funded and encouraged from across the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia.

Speaking to al-Youm al-Sabei newspaper, Mahmoud Ashour, the former deputy of al-Azhar, said that the Salafist ideology has infiltrated the university. He blamed the phenomenon on young Egyptians’ feeling that society is unjust and their refusal to believe what they are told without experiencing reform on the ground, the paper reported.

A few months ago, in reaction to news of the rising influence of Salafi ideology within the walls of the university, the president of Tajikistan recalled 134 students he had sent to study at al-Azhar.

The clash between the two credos, Salafism and moderate Islam, reached its peak in 2009 when Mohamed Sayed Tantawi, a former sheikh of Azhar, called for a ban on the – the full face veil – inside schools. The growing popularity of the niqab is a manifestation of the growing ascendancy of Salafi ideas among young Egyptians. Protests and sit-ins held by face-veiled students broke out, not just at al-Azhar, but at many other universities across the nation, all protesting against the cleric’s declaration.

Another collision took place when the Azhar Scholar Front (ASF), which was dissolved in 1999 after rejecting some of the fatwas issued by Tantawi, restarted its activities unofficially from Kuwait in 2007. The ASF is now considered attractive for those who split from al-Azhar due to opposing views, and usually adopts more radical positions, such as the ASF’s call a few months ago for an economic boycott of all Egyptian Christians as a riposte to an alleged kidnap by churchmen of a Coptic woman who had converted to Islam. Declarations of conflicting fatwas and heated exchanges have been common since the ASF was informally re-established.

But another reason why many have turned their back on al-Azhar’s ideology and fallen prey to more radical views is al-Azhar’s close association with the former president and his increasingly disfavoured authoritarian regime, which many think has impoverished Egyptians.

The appointment of the sheikh of al-Azhar, the highest Sunni Muslim authority in the world, was the gift of Egyptian leaders by presidential decree. The sheikhs were usually loyal to the presidential palace and hardly ever issued fatwas that would go against the regime’s will or policy.

Chief whip of journalists

Tantawi was also notorious for his tailored fatwas to “Islamically” back up some of the regime’s actions, such as supporting the building of an underground wall on the border with Gaza and prohibiting anti-government street protests.

He also famously called for the “whipping” of journalists who publish false reports, after the appearance of a 2007 article by , a former editor of al-Dostour newspaper, questioning Mubarak’s health and the future of the in Egypt.

What’s more, the recently appointed new sheikh of al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayeb, was a member of the policy committee in what used to be the ruling . The policy committee division of the NDP was led by Gamal Mubarak, the president’s son.

This kind of co-operation with Mubarak’s regime is what made al-Azhar lose credibility. Paradoxically, it also made it easy for other, more radical Islamic groups, which were usually in conflict with the unpopular regime, to “infiltrate” the influential university.

At this critical phase, Egypt needs al-Azhar as a defence wall against extremist ideologies, to promote a culture of peace, progression, citizenship and dialogue with the West, and to thwart a rising Salafi influence that incites nothing but regression, hate and violence, clashing with and discriminating against the other. Egypt and the entire Muslim world, now more than ever, are in desperate need of enlightened scholars such as al-Tahtawi and Abduh to move it forward to modernity, instead of attempting to take us back to a 7th-century culture.

This article first appeared in the New Statesmanon 7 April 2011. Published here with the author’s consent. ©Osama Diab. All rights reserved.


  • Osama Diab is an Egyptian-British journalist and blogger who lives between his two favourite metropolises: Cairo and London. He writes about the religious, social, political and human right issues of Egypt and the Middle East

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10 thoughts on “The fall of Egypt’s symbol of progressive Islam

  • I have seen ordinary muslim Egyptian use their “religion” to gain the trust of foreigners in order steal and harass them, the only Egyptian I have met have all lied. Why do they think they are morally right but that other human beings are worthless?

  • ‎’progressive islam” in egypt? But for sa’eddin ibrahim and nasr abu zayd and ashmawi, i think there are few thinkers in egypt. I avoid the labels ‘progressive” and “moderate” since they are, to me, meaningless…although I know what medieval islam is, and i see too much of it.

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  • without a constitution means BIG TROUBLE

    The influences of the Salafi’s is unfortunately high enough to cause concern … I trust the moderate Salafi’s of the MB to keep them in check.

    I disagree that the moderate Islam from the article has all but vanished … things will “recalibrate” after the pendulum retains a more normal swinging range – i mean let’s not forget, its been 50+ years of authoritarian secularism – things are bound to be rough and tough at the start …

    Its the Jihadi Salafi’s that need squashing tho … big time.

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  • If Egypt moves to a state in which religion will be “front and center” WITHOUT a constitution that will protect the rights of women and religious minorities, than what type of state do you expect to develop? Were it possible to manifest the moderate Islam that is alluded to in this article (and has all but vanished within today’s Egypt), that would create a different scenario than say Iran or Gaza. But with the sway of the Wahabi/Salafi influence manifest currently (along with ample aid coming from their deep pocketed neighbors to the east) what can we expect?

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  • what option did they have I wonder: like the theologians before them, those who did not submit to the authority of the temporal ruler found themselves beaten, tortured and otherwise condemned. It was no different in this age either …

    Egypt will move from the authoritarian secular state it was to one in which religion will be front & centre … I am still not convinced Egypt is going to be anything like what Iran became but the age of authoritarian secularism in the ME is largely already becoming a thing of the past.

    Thank God for that. 🙂

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  • Yes—moderate like members of the US administration sees the MB because they are non violent in actions, forgetting their ideology is one that promotes intolerance of the other and informs violent activity.

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  • moderate in a way, that it haven’t killed the copts … rather put them under heavy jaziya…

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  • Well now that all state media is officially in bed with the army I am not very hopeful about al-Azhar.

  • Very true. Let’s hope al-Azhar will learn its lesson and not fall into bed with the army now.

  • Like many institutions in Egypt, Al Azhar undermined itself by associating itself too closely with the former Regime. This is a lesson for everyone. Once the dust settles it will bounce back and reposition itself.

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