Christian Nielsen


Christian Nielsen is a journalist, copy writer and editor based in Brussels. He writes pretty much anything that takes his fancy, from the woes of travelling with kids to the dangers of antidepressants, but technology, EU affairs and science writing pay the bills.


The road less travelled, part V: Shakespeare in Sweden

The road less travelled IV: The rich texture of the original Hamburger

The road less travelled III: The cycle of life in Groningen

The road less travelled II: Overwhelmed at Overloon

The road less travelled: Navigating without algorithms

When Mariette met Mary

Economic recovery means little to Europe’s working poor

An ode to Google doodles

Football The box Half-baked rules undermine community spirit

The hair that binds

A knack for the exclusive non-interview

Ghost in the machine

The last word in music

Robert Mugabe and ethical tourism

Striving for imperfection

Will the real Olympics please stand up!

Greece and the euro – a Trojan tragedy

Papa’s got a secondhand car…

‘Redheads under the bed’ as a substitute for good reporting

Feeling Europe’s pain

Scandinavia: is the far right far off?

Mid-life gardening… fertile futility

Mobile revolution in the Middle East

Defiantly delusional

iPhony reality

Falling in love… too literally

Who wants to be a millionaire? I don’t (know)

Moving, not moving on?

Dumbfounded by smart-arse software

When the skies fell silent

Good news, bad ads

Trashy fascism

Pangs for simpler times

Green motoring in bloom

Obit tourism

Facebook: consider yourself de-friended

Good grief!

Huff and puff brought the economic house down

Swedish idiom and the sum of all cardamom

EU election monitoring… junket, joke or both?

Rude Mediterranean awakenings  

That joke isn’t funny any more

Mind your thumbspeak

Revenge of the ‘baby doomers’

Psion of things to come – technology’s curse  


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3 thoughts on “Christian Nielsen

  • Chris (Chronikler)

    Indeed. Been a while. Have to work out a way to catch up electronically in a less public domain. Love to M and the family.

  • Kristian Schønberg Christensen

    At last!

    Hard to find, no Facebook, no Linkedin, but not invisible!

    Kris (Oslo)

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