The road less travelled, part III: The cycle of life in Groningen
Christian Nielsen’s road trip along the scenic route this summer takes him to Groningen where life cycles mellowly by in its car-free zones.

Wednesday 25 July 2018
Summer smiles on Wednesday worshippers …
Cosy cottages share space with snug shops on Church Lane
Students sing the tunes of youth
Po-going to the beat on Market Square
Ice-creams melt, bells break the waves
Dogs dive into cooling canals
Bobbing barges, picnics, party cruisers
Bikes abound, bikes just everywhere …
I jotted down these impressions at the Lutje Kerklaan B&B. Groningen is Europe‘s “two-wheeled capital“, according to Monocle. Today, nearly two-thirds of all journeys in the city are made by bicycle, partly thanks to an €85-million cycling strategy.
Read part I: Navigating without algorithms
Read part II: Overwhelmed at Overloon
Read part IV: The rich texture of the original Hamburger