Egypt’s pharaoh illusion
The idea that Egyptians are docile sheeple who need a pharaoh to shepherd them is a myth that dates back to the not-so-ancient times of the Nasser era.
Read MoreThe idea that Egyptians are docile sheeple who need a pharaoh to shepherd them is a myth that dates back to the not-so-ancient times of the Nasser era.
Read MoreFrustratingly for Arab dictators and despots, no matter how much they try to silence, intimidate or co-opt the media, new loud and critical voices emerge.
Read MoreISIS has skilfully manipulated social media as a powerful propaganda tool. Should the online community self-censor to deprive it of free publicity?
Read MoreDespite its bottom ranking in the Press Freedom Index, the Middle Eastern media is freer than it appears at first sight.
Read MoreDespite the general Arab decline in the press freedom rankings, the region’s media have, in many ways, actually become freer.
Read MoreEgypt’s independent media have earned their revolutionary stripes, while the state’s mouthpieces have simply switched allegiance to the ‘new emperor’. But which model will endure?
Read MoreIs Turkey truly a role model for the Arab Spring or is it actually a secular democracy in its autumn years?
Read MoreEgyptians will no longer tolerate paying for the state-run newspapers that peddled Hosni Mubarak’s propaganda.
Read MoreJordanian journalists believe they do not enjoy enough freedom – a malaise shared with the rest of the Middle East. But why?
Read MoreEgyptians are slowly overcoming their fear of authority, but old habits die hard.
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