Lessons in religious intolerance
By Khaled Diab Using offensive images of Muhammad in the context of a lesson on blasphemy is entirely justifiable pedagogically,
Read MoreBy Khaled Diab Using offensive images of Muhammad in the context of a lesson on blasphemy is entirely justifiable pedagogically,
Read MoreThe Republicans have become the party of anger and grievance. Their rage is amplified by the conservative media and gun rights associations. This is bad news for society.
Read MoreA sudden lurch from ignoring or underplaying the threat of right-wing extremism in America to treating white crusaders like jihadis and QAnon like al-Qaeda will set off the insurgency timebomb rather than defuse it.
Read MoreDespite their conviction that they are polar opposites, white supremacists and Islamist extremists share much in common, including a hatred for minorities and the enemies within, a persecution complex, and nostalgia for past glories.
Read MoreIn the second in a series of articles exploring the disturbing parallels between radical Islamic and White/Christian extremism, Khaled Diab examines the far-right’s dual sense of superiority and inferiority, as well as its persecution complex.
Read MoreIn the first of a series of articles exploring the disturbing parallels between radical Islamic and white/Christian extremism, Khaled Diab examines whether far-right suicide attackers could become a phenomenon.
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