Egyptian government fears a Facebook revolution
Talk of banning Facebook is only the surface of a greater crackdown on independent media by an insecure government.
Read MoreTalk of banning Facebook is only the surface of a greater crackdown on independent media by an insecure government.
Read MoreEconomic growth in Egypt has mainly benefited the well-off, with many of the poor falling off the tightrope of the poverty line.
Read MoreEgyptians are routinely accused of being in league with foreign forces, from the US to Iran, but this propaganda is wearing thin
Read MoreActivists in Egypt should look to the hippy movement of the 1960s for a successful model in bringing about long-term social change.
Read Moreكان أحد شعارات حملة باراك أوباما الناجحة “تغيير نستطيع أن نؤمن به”. ومع توليه الرئاسة، تغير كل شيء، إلا أن شيئاً لم يتغير بالنسبة لسياسة الولايات المتحدة الخارجية تجاه النزاع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني.
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